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Visiting Research Scholar

Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology


Contact Information

Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 3261

Phone: 352-294-1749

Cell: 352-222-6022




  • 2004             B.S.      Department of Human Movement Science

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Advisor: Keewoong Kim, Ph.D.


  • 2006             M.S.     Department of Human Movement Science

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Thesis: The relation of personality trait to marathon addiction

Advisor: Keewoong Kim, Ph.D.


  • 2011             Ph.D.   Department of Human Movement Science

                          Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

                          Advisor: Keewoong Kim, Ph.D.

                          Dessertation:  An empirical exploration into the nature of exercise demotives

                                        and the development of exercise demotive scale


  • 2013 - Present    Visiting Research Scholar

                               Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

                               University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA             

                               Advisor: Evangleos A. Christou, Ph.D.













Hwasil Moon, Ph.D.

Hobbies: Taking brisk walks and spending with with her family.

Professional Experience


  • 2011- 2013          Training Coach

                                 Korea Line Dance Team

       Korea Line Dance Association, Seoul, Republic of Korea


  • 2011- 2011           Researcher                                                                                                         

                                 Korea Health Laboratory, Republic of Korea



Teaching Experience


  • 2010 – 2012           Instructor

                                  Sport psychology, Motor learning & psychology,

                                  Sport and health management

                                  College of Sport Science

         Soongsil University, Seoul, Republic of Korea



  • 2011- 2012             Instructor

                                   Sport psychology, Sport sociology, public health education

                                   Department of Physical Education

         Korea university, Seoul, Republic of Korea


  • 2011- 2012             Instructor

                                   Sport psychology 1, Sport psychology 2

                                   Department of Industrial Sports

         Hongik university, Chungcheongnamdo, Republic of Korea


  • 2011- 2011             Instructor

                                   Sport and health management

                                   College of Sport Science

         Chungang university, Seoul, Republic of Korea


  • 2012 - 2012           Instructor


                                  College of Sport Science

         Sungkyunkwan University, Kyonggido, Republic of Korea



  • 2013 - 2014           Co-instructor

                                  APK 4115- Neuromuscular aspects of exercise,

                                  APK 3200- Motor learning

                                  Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL



  • 2013          Journal of Korean Physical Education Association for Girls and Women,

                       Outstanding paper of the year  $ 300


  • 2011          Soongsil Universtiy, The Best instructor of the year





  • 2011      Korean Women`s Center, Development of mother-daughter companion education program


Professional Societies


  • 2010: The Korean Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

  • 2010: The Korean Society of Sport Psychology

  • 2010: The Korean Physical Education  Association  for Girls and Women.

  • 2010: The Korean society of Sport Science

  • 2010: The Korean society of Physical Education

  • 2013: The Korean Association for policy studies

  • 2013: Society for Neuroscience




  1. Sul S, Moon H. (2013) Policy of leisure education and recreational program for the culture adaptation in a  multicutural society.  Journal of Korean Society of Korean policy, 11(2), 57-70.


  1. Hong, S. & Moon, H. (2012). The relationship between perfectionism and sport demotivation in martial arts athletes. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 21(5), 581-592.


  1. Moon, H. & Park, Y. (2012). Criminal liability and measures for sport manipulation. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 51(3), 1-16.



  1. Moon, H. (2012). Differences of exercise demotivation according to personal particulars and discriminant analysis of stages of exercise behavior change by exercise demotivation. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 21(2), 461-472.


  1. Moon, H.  (2012). The difference of exercise demotivation according to the stages of change for physical activity behavior on women in their twenties. Journal of Korean Physical Education Association for Girls and Women, 23(3), 191-201.



  1. Moon, H. & Hong, S. (2011). The development of  sport demotivation scale of elite athletes. The Korean Journal of Sports Science. 20(6), 545-559.


  1. Moon, H. (2011). The development of  exercise demotivation scale of exercisers. Journal of Korean Physical Education  Association  for Girls and Women. 25(4), 135-147.



  1. Hong, S. & Moon, H. (2011). An exploration into the sport demotivation of elite athletes. The Korean Journal of Sport Science. 20(2), 361-370.


  1. Moon, H.(2007). The relation of  personality traits to marathoner`s running addiction. Journal of Korean Physical Education  Association  for Girls and Women. 21(6), 137-146.


  1. Kim, K. & Moon, H. (2004). A review of literature on the awareness of and coping with exercise addiction. Ewha Journal of  Human Movement Science. 8, 63-69.



Submitted / in preparation


  1. Fox EJ, Moon H, Kwon MH, Chen Y, Christou EA. Neuromuscular control of goal-directed ankle movements differs for healthy children and adults.(Submitted).


  1. Moon H. Kim C, Kwon MH, Chen Y, Onushko T, Lodha N. Christou EA. Force control is related to low-frequency oscillations in force and surface EMG.(In Preparation).

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